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*Section 18(2) of Public Act 94 of 1979 (the State School Aid Act), requires school districts to post certain information on its website within 30-days after the adoption of its annual operating budget or any subsequent revision of that budget.  As such, the Annual Budget and Transparency reporting provides an opportunity for school districts to communicate with their respective communities how the resources provided are being utilized.*

If you're having any issues finding anything please use the search bar below

Section 1:   COVID-19

Section 2:  Annual Operating Budget and Subsequent Revisions


Section 3: Summary of Expenditure​​​


Section 4: Listing of:

Section 5: Procurement Policy​


Section 6: Expense Reimbursement Policy


Section 7: Salary and Benefits for the Superintendent and Employees Exceeding $100,000


Section 8: Annual Dues on Associations


Section 9: Annual Amount Spent on Lobbying


Section 10: Approved Deficits Reduction Plan


Section 11: District Credit Card


Section 12: District Paid Out-Of-State Travel Info


Section 13: Educator Evaluation Systems Postings and Assurances


Section 14: District Academics and Education Reports​


Section 15: District Improvement Plan


Mi School Data Dashboard - The MI School Data Dashboard is a "one-stop shop" for data and Information about Michigan's public schools, districts, and regional education agencies.  This dashboard makes it easy for the public to find information about schools, and to compare one school or district to another.  To see American International Academy data, click the blue "Edit Report" button near the top of the page, and search for "American International Academy" to access our district's district-wide and individual school data.





300 S Henry Ruff

Westland, MI 48186

Tel: (734) 713-5525


Our Authorizator

AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY: No person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any educational program or activity available in any school on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, creed, political belief, age, national origin, linguistic and language differences, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, height, weight, marital or familial status, or disability.


Copyright by American International Academy © 2024

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