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Exam Policies

Tardies and Absences
  •  Students absent on the day of a final must provide written
documentation from a parent or guardian stating the exact
reason(s) for their absence. These students may be permitted to
take make-up exams ONLY on the make-up day unless for a
family or medical emergency.
  •  Tardies – Students are expected to arrive to class fully prepared
and on time. Therefore, all tardies will be treated as absences.

Make-up Exams
  • One session for make-up exams will be provided on the last day
of the exam schedule.
  •  Students absent on the day of a final must provide written
documentation from a parent or guardian stating the exact
reason(s) for their absence. These students may be permitted to
take make-up exams ONLY on the make-up day.
  •  Students who fail exams are graded accordingly and should not
be permitted to retake the test.

Make-up Exams for Seniors (Semester 2)
  • Seniors absent on the day of a final must provide written
documentation from a parent or guardian stating the exact
reason(s) for their absence. These students may be permitted to
take make-up exams ONLY on the make-up day unless for a
family or medical emergency; all finals must be taken at least 10
days prior to the commencement ceremony in order for students
to participate.

Behavior During Exams (List of Prohibited Behaviors for Testing)
  • Absolutely no talking permitted during testing periods. A zero-
tolerance code of conduct is in effect; insubordination will result
in a school suspension and a zero (0) grade on the test. If
dismissed from the testing area, a meeting between that student
and teacher will take place within 24 hours to determine what will
occur next.
  • The following behaviors are prohibited. You will be dismissed and
your test will not be scored if you are found:
  • In possession of or using any electronic device during
testing or during breaks
  • Looking back at a test on which time has already been
called (if applicable to timed testing portions)
  • Looking ahead in the test booklet (if applicable to timed
testing portions)
  • Looking at another examinee’s test booklet or answer
Giving or receiving assistance
  • Using a prohibited calculator (if applicable to the subject
  • Using any device to share or exchange information at
any time during testing or during breaks
  • Sharing a calculator with another examinee, Attempting to remove test
materials, including test.

Exam Procedures

Leaving the Room During Testing
  • No person is allowed to enter the testing environment once the
exam begins. Extreme emergencies are granted to the consent
of school administration.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the classroom or should be
given passes during testing periods.
  • Students are expected to remain in their seat during exam
periods. Leaving the room without permission will result in a
student being dismissed from the testing area. If dismissed from
the testing area a meeting between that student and teacher will
take place within 24 hours to determine what will occur next.
questions and answers from the test room by any means
  • Not following instructions or abiding by the rules of the
test site
  • Exhibiting confrontational, threatening, or unruly behavior
  • Creating a disturbance
  • Filling in test answers or altering ovals on a test document
after time has been called on a timed test. Filling in
answers/ovals on a previous test section or during a later
the test section is prohibited. If it is noticed that a timed test
the section has not been completed and later notice that it
has been, the student will be dismissed, and the answer
the document will not be scored.

  • Students are expected to arrive to class fully prepared with
whatever is required to take their test (e.g., pencil, paper, notes,
etc.). Students are not permitted to leave the classroom area to
return to their locker or any part of the school building to retrieve
any item for testing purposes. Failure for students reporting to
testing unprepared can result in having to take the test on the re-
take day.

  •  Study guides, books and notes are NOT permitted for usage
during testing.
  • Calculators are permitted only by the Teacher of Record and
usage of them must be stipulated to all students.

Academic Dishonesty
  • If and when students are found guilty of academic dishonesty –
whether plagiarism, cheating and/or permitting someone to
copy their work – they will be allowed to re-take that exam, yet
not receive a grade higher than 50 percent. (School policy for
make-up exams will go in effect.)
  • If students are found suspicious of cheating (therefore
jeopardizing the integrity of the exam), yet NOT caught in the act,
a newly developed test should be given to that student within
one school day of the date they took the initial assessment. The
exam should be taken from any study guides or materials the
student already holds in their possession, and a parent or
guardian must be contacted to explain the nature of the
incident, what the procedure will be, and any consequences. If
that student selects to not take the exam, a zero (0) grade will be


300 S Henry Ruff

Westland, MI 48186

Tel: (734) 713-5525


Our Authorizator

AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY: No person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any educational program or activity available in any school on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, creed, political belief, age, national origin, linguistic and language differences, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, height, weight, marital or familial status, or disability.


Copyright by American International Academy © 2024

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